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Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Busy life


Sorry, I haven t been writing for a long time.
First I enjoyed being with my daughter for three weeks and now I am getting our family organized with vaccine Hepatitis B and cervical cancer, insurance, flight tickets,more furnitures, paintings, and carpets. My computer has been to service and now I couldn't t get my pictures installed and the Swedish keyboard totally changed ( as you can see).

I will have more pictures but not today.

I joined a group of 40 people that will meet each week for 10 weeks exploring Delhi. We will team up in groups of four and study one specific part of Delhi.My group will lead a tour and present a piece of Delhi s past to the larger group. We also arrange a lunch for everybody. It so exciting and I am looking forward to these events. I can guide all my friends that will come and visit me.

I have also joined a yoga class. First I went a place where I was the only foreigner and the class was in Hindu. It was fun but it was too far away. You should have seen all the Indian ladies doing yoga. I felt very stiff!!!! In the end everybody was laughing on command three times.Today I went with some Swedish friend to another place very close to where I live. I like doing yoga. I get lot s of energy and stretching my body is necessary!

American embassy school is doing a lot to welcome you to the school. Transitioning to India, Coffeemornings, Parent s night out, Creative writing for your child, Get to know you with the teacher about your child and Children s litteratur are some of the events I have attended.

Thanks for all the comments!


  1. Kära Pia! Ett stort GRATTIS till dina 50 år. Jag tänkte på dig den 17/8 och fick adressen av Mona genom mamma Gerd. Det är ett annurlunda liv för er och vi hoppas att allt är bra med dig och din familj. Kram, Birgitta och Henry

  2. Tack! Vad roligt att hora fran dig, Birgitta!! Vi har ett valdigt annorlunda och spannande liv har i Indien. Snart ska vi ta emot vara forsta privata gaster fran Sverige. Det ser jag fram emot. Nar kommer ni och halsar pa?
