We had our first visit of two monkeys yesterday. They were sitting in a tree outside our house. Carl ran after the video camera. He was behind the window filming when suddenly one of the monkey jumped at the window. You could guess the film became a huge success! I don't like them being around the house because they can attack you. When they were living around the Government building they brought lemurs to get rid of them.
Our landlord told us they are around for two, three days and then they move to the next house.Our servants that are living on the top floor told us the monkeys are sleeping on our roof.
Carl saw his first cockroach in school last week.He told me all girls screamed and shouted "Cockroach!". In our house the have done several things to prevent the cockroach to enter the house. I am sure they are around but I am happy I haven't have seen anyone yet.
When I go to our closest market "Basant Lok" there are always cows walking around trying to find food except yesterday. I had my camera and wanted to take pictures!!
Cows are a sacred animal and you can't kill or harm them. The cows looks like they don't have a nice life. All of them are starving and looks very very thin. The reason why cows received this status is uncertain.
The vast majority of Indians are vegetarians, as Hindus do not eat meat. The cow is also an important part in India's daily life as a milk producer. I can see them eating plastic bags and other debris but that make them good sanitation workers. I wonder about the quality of the milk that the produce?!
The vegetarian lifestyle in India is maybe a matter of not having enough to feed all this inhabitants with meat that requires more energy and water.
The most common dishes with milk is in all cases, chai tea, yogurt and lassi. Lassi is a drink made from yogurt and water and flavored only with either sugar or salt, or with seasonal fruit. My children loves lassi! We eat a lot of yogurt to keep the stomach in a good mood. Carl has no problem to eat yogurt here as our cook is making mango, melon, bananas and other nice fruits with the yogurt. Yummy!!
Refreshing drink on a hot summer day
Serving 4
5,5 dl cup plain yoghurt
3 cup milk
10 ice cubes
1 / 2 teaspoon salt or 8 tablespoons granulated sugar
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