Do you know what this is?
It' was good I had plenty of things to organize the last month in England before my move to India as it's always sad to leave friends behind. But the move also get me more friends.
I have to send a huge THANK YOU to all my friends in England that made my stay in Farnham so nice, interesting and fun. I met so many interesting people and we talked about children, life, husbands, work or not work, enjoying life, pleasant life, culture, teachers, schools, boarding schools, cars , wine, England, Scottland, Wales, Sweden, books, bikes, golf and lot's of others very important things . You all made me and my family very happy and we really enjoyed you brought us into your life although it was only for three years.
A nice apron done by my good friend Mona Craven. Thank you! I loved the surprise dinner at a wonderful British pub in Compton. I thought it was ONLY me and Sarah Andersen. You really fouled me! Thank you for being great friends!
Also thank you to my Swedish group that had an Asia party for me in Lotta's new house and to my brave Swedish pupil Fran that gave me a beatiful picture of Farnham!
I hope Ingeli is continuing with the Swedish lessons for her wonderful daughters.
Nothing is ever achieved without enthusiasm!
Ralfh Waldo Emerson
Someone definitely turned up the heat here in Delhi! It's 43 degrees and people say it's 6-7 more degrees than it should be this time of year.
Two of Carl's class mates in grade four did a research on why the students should play first and eat afterwards instead of the practise at the school of first eating and then playing outdoors. The presented the research for the headmaster and the elementary leadership team. I think this is a brilliant way of learning children to be able to make a difference. It's good to be aware that you can change things and in what way you ought to do that. I really like the American school so far. Carl seems to enjoy his new school and have made new friends. We were looking in the book he got from his school friends in Barfield, filled with photos and small notes ,one night and he is missing his friends as well as his mother.
I was invited to a coffee morning with Swedish women yesterday and had a lovely time. Everybody are so nice and wants to show me around Delhi. It's such a nice feeling.
The first picture shows an electrical insect smacker!