I have become an addict of Indian vegetarian food, but it will of course be best when eaten here. I like eating dal and rice. Dal is a preparation of pulses (dried lentils, peas or beans) which have been stripped of their outer hulls and split.It is regularly eaten with rice and vegetables in Southern India, and with both rice and roti (wheat-based flat bread) throughout Northern India & Pakistan. Dal is a ready source of proteins for a balanced diet containing little or no meat.

Our cook is very hard to understand as he is speaking with a strong south Indian accent. Now when I got used to him speaking I more often know what we are having for dinner.

First time I heard the noice of the steam cooker I thought something was going wrong in the kitchen. A steam cooker is a kitchen appliance used to prepare various foods in a sealed vessel that limits the escape of air or liquids below a preset pressure.
Due to their health aspect (cooking without any oil), food steamers are used extensively in health-diets as Cuisine minceur, the rawfood diet, Okinawa diet, macrobiotic-diet and the CRON-diet.
Food steamers release less heat to the kitchen environment, therefore helping keep the kitchen cool during hot summers. It's 43C degrees!!!

Religion and spirituality plays an important life in the live of Indians. It's nice to see how they are so secure in their beliefs. Pictures and small sculptures of their gods in the cars and all over. One day in a shop the manager told me to get a Ganesha for my house.Ganesha is a god of luck and of "opening the way." I didn't even buy anything at the shop and still he cared for me - a total stranger for him.
Indians are extremely friendly and helpful. The namaste is the most wonderful gesture. Namaste (Sanskrit: नमस्ते,) is a common spoken greeting or salutation used in India and Nepal. It has multi-religious or else common usage where it may simply mean "I bow to you." Hands are held together at the palms in front of the heart or brow chakra. Head is bowed slightly downward. Eyes are sometimes closed. Namaste should be used only for people your equal or above. By other words I don't greet my servants this way.
Always you see smiling faces! There is a gesture that me and my husband caught ourselves using very often - waving our heads sideways (the universal "no") while agreeing on something. It looks quite sweet especially when my husband doing it!
Not everything is good with India.
I dislike how garbage is handle here.
I would like to see more homes and free medication for aged and poor.
And the most important thing: Try to get begging children away from the streets and into school. Education is such an important way to deal with poverty.

My son likes Indian food and most of all the wonderful and tasty fruits!!!